Monday, November 16, 2009

Daily Rountines Chapter 1

OK bet your wondering why I put Chapter 1 in the title, because this is going to be a three part of my daily routine with Reka. Chapter 1 Breathing Treatment, this is done twice a day after her first and last feeding. Under each picture I will describe the procedure I go threw.

1.) We place the vest underneath.

2.) We place a blue foam around her g-tube so it doesn't shake around and hurt her.

3.) I strap it on from the front first then over the shoulders.

4.) Before we start the vest she inhailes 1 puff at a time for ten breaths twice of FLovent. This inhailer is a daily routine her pulmonologist started her on almost a year ago.

5.) This inhailer is only used in cases of coughing or wheezing, but she has been congested for 2 months so thats why I'm using it. Same procedure as the Flovent but I do 2-4 puffs. This is called Xopenex.

6.) This is her first setting of the vest, 10 presure for 10 minutes.

7.) Second setting 12, for 10 minutes. So this whole process take 20 minutes. Bet your wondering what I do all that time, will check out my next pic.

Yup you guessed it play on the computer, or find something to clean.

8.) Before we start the cough assist I spray both nostriles with saline to help loosen the mucas.

9.)After the vibrating vest she does her cough assist. Of course you know she doesnt hold it on her own, but its hard to take a picture when one hand is holding the back of her head and the other is holding the face mask. She does 4 sets of 5 breaths 5th set for 10 breaths, each inhail and exhale under 2 seconds, with 2 second breaks inbetween each one.

Just a picture if you forgot what the cough assist looked like.

This is just a picture of when the cough assist blows air out look at that hair fly!

10.) Inbetween each set with the cough assit I suction for mucus from each nostrils and her troat. Next picture is not for the faint at heart. Just kidding.

This is a picture of her mucus, right now its clear so that a great sign.

I know this looks like a lot of work but its pretty simple once you get use to the routine. I estimate all of this takes about 30 minutes of our time and it's all worth it to keep her from spending time in the hospital or worse. But as for her she is doing great I am a little worried about this congestion problem nothing is draining it just seems to be stuck in her nasal passage, so tomorrow will be my third call to the Dr. to see if they want her to come in again, last two times her lungs were clear. But it never hurts to check again, poor baby I think she has had over 20 x-rays by now and shes only 3!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your life, Laura. Reka is a little doll and I wish we were closer to get to know her. It's got to be a challenge to keep up with such a routine every day. God bless you and little Reka. Love, Aunt Rolane