Wednesday, September 30, 2009


How to describe Bayfest. HOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!! My friends and I went there Sunday only so Reka could meet and great with Dora and Diego. So we munched first on gorditas, funnel cake, and snow cones. Wish I could of taking pictures but anyone who knows me knows I don't like the heat, so I was getting a little impatient. Exactly at 3pm we found the tent that Dora was at but they didn't have another showing until 3:30, (and on the website it said 3 figures). So we found a shade sat there for 30 minutes, then exactly at 3:25 I went to the line and they were rushing us. You could only take pictures with them no meet and greet like it said on TV but honestly I don't blame them in this heat and full body outfits. So here is the picture poor Reka was so hot and flushed.