Friday, December 21, 2007

Trying to keep up

Will I'm going to try and keep up with this blog so everyone can see Rekas progress. Still no word from the Doctor but thank you for your prayers. Lisa her kids and Danna will be here tomorrow. I have to meet them at the Waffle House in Richmond about 10 miles out of Houston cause they don't know the way. Lisa has been here twice and still is scared she will get lost crazy lady. As you can see I've been doing videos instead of pictures, I love modern technology. Saturday my husband will start driving from Arizonia he said he should be here in four days which will be Christmas. Thats the same day my parents, D.J. and Lisa's husband are coming. This will be my first time cooking holiday lunch wish me and who every helps me luck. Anywho I'll load more pictures when the family comes. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.