Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Getting Settled

Will now that I'm settled here in Portland I can finally post my blog. So far so good. She is starting her occupational therapy and teaching this week. She seemed pretty calm with them which is great. We will probably have to go to Driscoll hospital for her physical therapy. As for Reka she has been doing a lot better. I've noticed that her eating and bowel movement have gotten better. She has grown and inch and gained 3/4 of a pound which she hasn't done all year. Her sleeping is better less snoring its nice to breath fresh air again even my skin is getting better. I have received her package for the MDA which I send off last week so hopefully we should be hearing from them soon to start with their program. Other than that nothing much else going on here. So on to the pictures!!

I went to the kitchen to wash some dishes and when I can back my daughter became a face painter!)

Another turning my back and she is passed out sitting up looks pretty comfy to me!

Here we are eating at the restaurant where my friend works little pricy but thats why its good to eat were a friend works you dont always pay for what you ordered!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Happy Belated Birthday

Ok ok, yes my daughters birthday was last month but I've been lazy posting blogs. My daughters therapist want to keep up with her. They have been great with her and I enjoyed their company either to gossip or vent sorry guys. Will back to her birthday we had it at home with all the family his side and mine. My husband cooked with the help of his oldest sister it was so gooooooooood, even Lisa's son Gavin liked the chicken. (He is a very picky eater) Will be have about 9 more days to go before we move to Portland maybe less if my husband leaves sooner. I can't wait I'll be closer to friends and my family; its been pretty lonely here especially since Dong has been working out of state for over a year but totally understanding that I'm leaving. Also the living arrangement isn't the greatest. Will anyway on to the pictures

This first pictures is my dad asking about this sauce, he could not stop talking about it. In this picture my dad, then in the blue shirt is my husbands oldest sister (first born in a clan of 8) behind her is her youngest daughter Ting, then LuLu boyfriend Robert, LuLu and Chen the oldest daughter of the oldest sister.
Here is a close up of some of the food and that sauce my dad is just crazy over.

Here's Lisa's oldest son just enjoying himself.

Here just sitting pretty.

Lucion again nothing much going on here.

Gavin ate a whole plate of these.

Munching on a spring roll.

Reka's personal bodyguard.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Ok all ready

Ok I'm really going to keep up with blog this time seriously Laura 3 months of nothing. Will I guess I'm more of a myspace person but anyway. Will this month Reka and I are moving to Portland, TX for a little while. I've patiently waited 7 month if not more for MDA in Houston to admit my daughter(for those who don't know what MDA is think of Jerry's Kids). Yes 7 months so I have decided to take another step, one that is closer to my family and friends. My husband wont be coming because he has to work, actually for over a year he has been working in Arizona and California so we haven't seen so much of him, but he is understanding about it. Ok back to Reka she has been doing good only on major sickness and I wouldn't really call it too bad compared to what some of the other parents have put up with. She is a little congested right now but couple of treatment with the nebulizer has been doing great. Will I'll post more when we arrive.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Braces not the ones on your teeth

I finally took a picture of her with her brace on and she doesn't like it at all. It takes about and hour just for her to get use to it. In my opinion it just doesn't seem comfortable but luckily on the tenth of June we have her brace check up.
This is the front view as most of you have guessed. I picked out the butterfly design.
Side View

Friday, May 16, 2008

Catch up on pics and videos

Will checking from my date of blog its been a while so I thought I'd drop a few lines. Will we were going to start the Amino Acid diet but its so hard to find flavors to make it taste good so her dietitian will be looking into something else. As for Reka she did have a bad cold for about 2 weeks. In these pictures she is using the nebulizer to help open up her airways to cough up all the gunk. We did spend one day in the hospital checked her lungs and they were clear thank god so no hospital stay. She still has the bruise on her hand were they stuck her with the iv needle. Will on to the pictures.

As you can see in this picture she is not happy with the treatment.

But a couple of days later she got use to it with distractions of mommy's makeup, her favorite past time.

This is the most recent video I have of Reka she just woke up and was watching Diego(not sure I spelled that right). I sit her sideways from the TV sometimes so she has to turn her head to watch it helps with the neck muscles so they don't loss strength.

This was the cutest picture of Lucion and Reka with their hair up. These two will be buddies for life I tell you. As for updates I will be keeping up with this blog a lot more every week if i can. Next month she has another brace check up I'll post pictures of her in her brace later, and pulmonary check up so wish up luck.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Chinese New Year

Will here are pictures I promised you guys for the Chinese New Year. Her cousin Yan bought this outfit for her last year in New York and it finally fit. Sadly to say my daughter is 18 months and she fits in 12 month cloths. We had fun ate alot, got money you know the whole ordeal. Will her are the pictures. The very last picture is about 1/8th of my husbands family here they are holding Reka is his oldest sister Lisa, right is Lucy, in yellow the oldest sisters daughter Yan, right LuLu the one in pink is just a friend of Yan and in front with the peace sign is Ting Yans younger sister.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Pony Tails

This video was just taken yesterday, my daughter finally has enough hair for me to put in cute little ponytails. I think she was watching blues clues thats why shes not so interested in the video. As my cousin Riva we celebrated Chinese New Years. I think I gain about 10 more pounds something I don't need. I'll post those pictures up when my niece sends them to me, her camera takes much better pictures then mine. Also on Saturday we celebrated his oldest sisters 50th birthday, it wasnt really her birthday but when you turn 50, 60, and so on the week of New Year you celebrate their birthday or coming of age I don't really know. Honestly I don't understand the whole Chinese New Year but they sure do eat. Also they give money to children 18 and under I'll tell you what I don't think I've seen so many $100 bills at one time, I think the smallest amount she got was $50 wooooooooooow. Unfortunately my husband was in California working so he missed it all. Now to Reka she has therapy 3 times a week twice with a physical therapist and once with a occupational therapist, also twice a month she has a teacher, and every other month a nutritionist. Unfortunealty she hasnt been eating alot but she is drinking that pediasure about 3 times a day, but she did eat some chinese food this New Year but only at one restaurant. She sucked the spoon dry on the soup she also enjoyed japanese tofu, scallops, oranges, thats about it she only really has 4 teeth so theirs alot of foods she still cant eat but five are already starting to pop out. They have a mind of their own. Also next month she will go and see a pulmonary Dr and for those who dont know what that is and honestly I dont fully understand they check the lungs breathing and so forth. Will I'll leave you at that and check out my key word lzhang1076 for other videos. God Bless

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

More Doctors and Therapist

This video shows a little bit of what we do in occupational therapy. Last week we went to the neurologist hes a real nice guy he ran the EMG test at least I think that's what its called. They stuck a small needle in her legs and arms to listen to her muscles, he was the one who told the genetics Dr to run the sma test. Smart man. He also gave me the number to MDA which I'm still waiting in the mail for the package to fill out so we could get her started with their Dr. It's probably in the mail now I haven't cked it yet. We have a new physical therapy company because the one she had ECI can only do 4 times a month at the most and we needed at least 3 times a week. The one we have now called Special Kids is coming twice a week for now. We still have our old OT because they wont have one available until March. Talking about March we will be going to the pulmonary Dr. to have her lungs cked. Other than that nothing much else going on, finally catching up on my Internet classes. Such as life. Anyway thanks for your prayers, concerns and offers to help us. Love ya Laura and Reka

Friday, January 11, 2008

Just hanging

Will she was dancing then when I started video taping her she stopped. Yesterday I was busy making calls to SSI so I could get traditional insurance so there wont be any delays when we go to Dr. when she needs test run. Also called her pediatrician to get a referral so she could have physical and occupational therapy 3-4 times a week how lovely. And last her neurologist which luckily is in 2 weeks and not 2 months love her genetics Dr. he has been working miracles for her. Luckily she doesn't have type I SMA it is type II. In general she will never walk, she will need assistance in little things we take for granite like changing cloths, taking a bath, you know basic stuff. Luckily they do have a longer life span up to 20-40 yrs compared to 1-5. I actually met a lady on youtube who is 26 married and is doing great she can even put on make up. Will just keep praying for her and if you ever get a chance and want to help her and other kids out make donations at MDA you know with the Jerry Lewis guy or when you go to the gas store and they have those shamrocks donate a couple of dollars. I also have an account with youtube where you can see more videos of her the address is Thank you and until next time god bless.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Just like dad

In this picture she is sleeping just like her father. As some you know we did get the results back. She does have sma we dont know which type we have a dr. apt. tomorrow and we will go from there. So just ck back.