Friday, December 21, 2007

Trying to keep up

Will I'm going to try and keep up with this blog so everyone can see Rekas progress. Still no word from the Doctor but thank you for your prayers. Lisa her kids and Danna will be here tomorrow. I have to meet them at the Waffle House in Richmond about 10 miles out of Houston cause they don't know the way. Lisa has been here twice and still is scared she will get lost crazy lady. As you can see I've been doing videos instead of pictures, I love modern technology. Saturday my husband will start driving from Arizonia he said he should be here in four days which will be Christmas. Thats the same day my parents, D.J. and Lisa's husband are coming. This will be my first time cooking holiday lunch wish me and who every helps me luck. Anywho I'll load more pictures when the family comes. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 17, 2007

It's Almost That Time

Chrismas what a wonderful time of year. All of my family is coming this holiday which is great I dont have to drive down this year. Daddy will be here in about four days, my two sisters and her kids will be here on Friday. Mom and Dad will be driving up here on Christmas Day. Hehe. Still no results yet hopefully I'll get them this or next week. So to all of you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

It's Been A Long Time

It's been quite a while since I've blogged. Been busy with Reka and her doctor apt. She's been doing pretty good. Just recently as all of you know we are waiting on a certain scary test she took on the 9th of this month. It's called SMA type I. Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a motor neuron disease. The motor neurons affect the voluntary muscles that are used for activities such as crawling, walking, head and neck control, and swallowing. It is a relatively common "rare disorder": approximately 1 in 6000 babies born are affected, and about 1 in 40 people are genetic carriers.
SMA affects muscles throughout the body, although the proximal muscles (those closest to the trunk of one’s body - i.e. shoulders, hips, and back) are often most severely affected. Weakness in the legs is generally greater than in the arms. Sometimes feeding and swallowing can be affected. Involvement of respiratory muscles (muscles involved in breathing and coughing) can lead to an increased tendency for pneumonia and other lung problems. Sensation and the ability to feel are not affected. Intellectual activity is normal and it is often observed that patients with SMA are unusually bright and sociable. Patients are generally grouped into one of four categories, based on certain key motor function milestones.

Type I
Type I SMA is also called Werdnig-Hoffmann Disease. The diagnosis of children with this type is usually made before 6 months of age and in the majority of cases the diagnosis is made before 3 months of age. Some mothers even note decreased movement in of the final months of their pregnancy.
Usually a child with Type I is never able to lift his/her head or accomplish the normal motor skills expected early on in infancy. They generally have poor head control, and may not kick their legs as vigorously as they should, or bear weight on their legs. They do not achieve the ability to sit up unsupported. Swallowing and feeding may be difficult and are usually affected at some point, and the child may show some difficulties managing their own secretions. The tongue may show atrophy, and rippling movements or fine tremors, also called fasiculations. There is weakness of the intercostal muscles (the muscles between the ribs) that help expand the chest, and the chest is often smaller than usual. The strongest breathing muscle in an SMA patient is the diaphragm. As a result, the patient appears to breath with their stomach muscles. The chest may appear concave (sunken in) due to the diaphragmatic (tummy) breathing. Also due to this type of breathing, the lungs may not fully develop, the cough is very weak, and it may be difficult to take deep enough breaths while sleeping to maintain normal oxygen and carbon dioxide levels.

I know this is very long i pasted it from another web site just to give you a brief description. But to be honest with you I don't feel its that sever she does sit up by herself for long periods of time, eat just fine maybe not as much as I would like but the doctor told me not to push it just give her what she wants and her breathing is normal. The waiting is the hardest part for me but I should know something this Friday or next so I will definitely keep you all posted. Just pray for my little girl and god bless you all

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Finished Product

Will here is the finish product with her new pink and butterfly blanket set I got with grandmas money. Man baby sheets are just as much as big bed sheets.

This is her checking out the mobile that came with it.

Here she is just examining her new crib.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

New Bed

With the money auntie, cousins, and grandma gave me for Rekas Birthday I got her a new bed. One of those convertible ones. This picture is the injuries i substained while putting it together. These beds are definitely a two man job. It only took me about 3 hours and I had to re due one part three times. But after all that work here is the finished product.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Happy Birthday To Me

Will its Reka's first birthday!!!!! Still looks like an eight month old. She got some cute outfits from her aunt and niece, a bracelet with her name on it from Ting and money from everyone. Will their will be more pictures of it later.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

More Pictures

Dad's been wanting to see more pictures of his little girl. Right now he's in Arizona where he's been since the middle of June working for someone who recently got married in China. Talked to him today said he should be coming in about two more weeks. Will I'm having problems posting more pictures try again later.

Monday, August 6, 2007

The Simpsons

I just recently looked at my sisters myspace and saw she did the look alike Simpson so I decided to do one of my daughter and me. I'll tell you what I look better as a Simpson.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Almost One

Will its almost birthday time, six day to be exact. Its amazing how fast they grow will with the exception of my child she still looks likes shes six to eight months. One of the lady's from ECI came yesterday to fill out the paper work for her physical therapy. This Tuesday she will do an evaluation to see if she needs it. Watching her the lady said she is doing good just need to do some exercises with her to build more muscles in her legs and arms.

Here she is sleeping the only time I have to myself. Lately she has been so fussy every time I leave the room, before I could sit her down with some toys and play on the computer or do my homework. Will talking about homework I have 2 days left for summer school I better finish.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Going Home

Today we went back home after staying with my parents for the week. I'm finally in the 20th century and bought a digital camera. After about two days of experimenting with it I found it has different frames. I thought this fit for this article. Will not much to say tomorrow the physical therapist is coming to our house to examine her and see if she is qualified. My little girl isn't up to speed with the crawling and walking but everything else is fine. Will its late and I have to wake up early so see you all later.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Chinese New Year

Actually this was taken almost a month after chinese new year. Her cousin Yan bought her this outfit in New York when she visited a friend who recently got married. Here she is six months old, her hair finally laid down but then mom did something stupid and shaved it all off. My husband and his sisters said they do it to all babys after their first month birthday, but I didn't want to but I got a wild hair up my butt and shaved it one day. Will I actually cut it all off my brother in law shaved it. She looked like a budist monk.

The Visit

My mom, sister, and her two spawns of Satan came to Houston for a little visit. We went to the zoo, ate, shopping, ate, etc. etc. This is a picture of her with grandma in the hotel room where they spent their one free night. Reka was about five months here.

Christmas time

This is a picture from Christmas as you can tell from the back ground. She was around four months old in this picture still with spiked up hair.


Will heres what you all have been waiting for pictures. I only have older pictures of her later i will get one of those new fantangle digital cameras. This is her at two months. She was born with a hair style all her own.

Friday, July 27, 2007


This is my first time doing a blog I got the idea from my cousins, it gives the family a chance to see how me any my family are doing. Also to see pictures of our little girl since most of my husbands family lives in China. Long story short my husband and I have been married over three years this past April, we have a daughter who will be celebrating her first birthday next month on the tenth. We have lived in Houston, TX for the past three and a half years, he works for a travel agency I am currently taking online classes at Houston Community College towards a certificate in Childhood Development then teaching in a couple of years. Will next time you see this I'll have pictures of our little girl.