Saturday, February 14, 2009

No Coughing YEEAAAAA!!!!

Will its day five and still no coughing! Today is her last day of the antibiotic but were still continuing one of her nebulizer treatments. This is a small post today just to let anyone who reads this know she is ok.

This is an old picture of Reka I found I just thought it was so cute.

This is a picture of Reka with her blanket from Blankets for SMA. A nurse of a patient who has SMA make these blankets for all the children for free they just ask for pictures of them.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sick Again

Will its that season again. Reka is sick again, sometimes it feels like it never ends. We went to Houston for Chinese New Year and she had a little cough only in the morning and evenings. But by Friday night it was a full fledged hours upon hours of coughing and when you have SMA and your damn insurance denies you a cough assist/suckson machine its helllllll on earth. Its so hard to see your child trying to cough but doesn't have the muscle strength to get it out. Plus being up all night living off 2 hours a sleep a day doesn't help hoping they don't choke to death on their spit. I'm telling you god give me strength because I'm about to lose it sometimes I wonder if I'm going to have the strength for this disease. We finally got home back in Corpus last night. (I don't live in Houston with my husband because of waiting for doctors and its so polluted) Today I took her to the doctor and she was very uneasy on the way she was breathing. She gave me four prescriptions.

The is called Prednisolone SOD PHOS this is a liquid steroid she takes orally twice a day for five days. This help open her airway used for the wheezing.

All you moms know this Amoxicillin which is to kill infection. She has to take this twice a day for ten days.

This is will you can see the label it is also to help open her airway so she can breath and cough better. This is also twice a day and I have no idea when the doctor wants to stop this one probably when cold season is gone. She said it will help her so that she wont get sick so often. This in used in a nebulizer.

Last but not least this is no stranger for her Albuterol Sulfate 0.083. She was actually prescribed this at her first pulmonary apt. back in March of last year because when they took x-rays of her lungs they found pockets in them but they are gone. This one she has to take every 4-6 hours for cough and or wheezing. This is also used in a nebulizer.

Here are a couple of pictures of Reka using her nebulizer.

These are a picture of a cold air humidifier which is on all day when she is coughing and an air purifier which is on all day whether we are here or not. I actually just purchased one from Oreck online $300 but thank god they do monthly payments. YEEEEAAAA!!!

OK this posting is getting long but to all who see this please pray for my little girl the doctor wants to see her again tomorrow if she hasn't approved a little. Which means maybe a long hospital stay eeeeeeeeee!!