Saturday, September 6, 2008

Happy Belated Birthday

Ok ok, yes my daughters birthday was last month but I've been lazy posting blogs. My daughters therapist want to keep up with her. They have been great with her and I enjoyed their company either to gossip or vent sorry guys. Will back to her birthday we had it at home with all the family his side and mine. My husband cooked with the help of his oldest sister it was so gooooooooood, even Lisa's son Gavin liked the chicken. (He is a very picky eater) Will be have about 9 more days to go before we move to Portland maybe less if my husband leaves sooner. I can't wait I'll be closer to friends and my family; its been pretty lonely here especially since Dong has been working out of state for over a year but totally understanding that I'm leaving. Also the living arrangement isn't the greatest. Will anyway on to the pictures

This first pictures is my dad asking about this sauce, he could not stop talking about it. In this picture my dad, then in the blue shirt is my husbands oldest sister (first born in a clan of 8) behind her is her youngest daughter Ting, then LuLu boyfriend Robert, LuLu and Chen the oldest daughter of the oldest sister.
Here is a close up of some of the food and that sauce my dad is just crazy over.

Here's Lisa's oldest son just enjoying himself.

Here just sitting pretty.

Lucion again nothing much going on here.

Gavin ate a whole plate of these.

Munching on a spring roll.

Reka's personal bodyguard.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Ok all ready

Ok I'm really going to keep up with blog this time seriously Laura 3 months of nothing. Will I guess I'm more of a myspace person but anyway. Will this month Reka and I are moving to Portland, TX for a little while. I've patiently waited 7 month if not more for MDA in Houston to admit my daughter(for those who don't know what MDA is think of Jerry's Kids). Yes 7 months so I have decided to take another step, one that is closer to my family and friends. My husband wont be coming because he has to work, actually for over a year he has been working in Arizona and California so we haven't seen so much of him, but he is understanding about it. Ok back to Reka she has been doing good only on major sickness and I wouldn't really call it too bad compared to what some of the other parents have put up with. She is a little congested right now but couple of treatment with the nebulizer has been doing great. Will I'll post more when we arrive.