Tuesday, January 29, 2008

More Doctors and Therapist

This video shows a little bit of what we do in occupational therapy. Last week we went to the neurologist hes a real nice guy he ran the EMG test at least I think that's what its called. They stuck a small needle in her legs and arms to listen to her muscles, he was the one who told the genetics Dr to run the sma test. Smart man. He also gave me the number to MDA which I'm still waiting in the mail for the package to fill out so we could get her started with their Dr. It's probably in the mail now I haven't cked it yet. We have a new physical therapy company because the one she had ECI can only do 4 times a month at the most and we needed at least 3 times a week. The one we have now called Special Kids is coming twice a week for now. We still have our old OT because they wont have one available until March. Talking about March we will be going to the pulmonary Dr. to have her lungs cked. Other than that nothing much else going on, finally catching up on my Internet classes. Such as life. Anyway thanks for your prayers, concerns and offers to help us. Love ya Laura and Reka

Friday, January 11, 2008

Just hanging

Will she was dancing then when I started video taping her she stopped. Yesterday I was busy making calls to SSI so I could get traditional insurance so there wont be any delays when we go to Dr. when she needs test run. Also called her pediatrician to get a referral so she could have physical and occupational therapy 3-4 times a week how lovely. And last her neurologist which luckily is in 2 weeks and not 2 months love her genetics Dr. he has been working miracles for her. Luckily she doesn't have type I SMA it is type II. In general she will never walk, she will need assistance in little things we take for granite like changing cloths, taking a bath, you know basic stuff. Luckily they do have a longer life span up to 20-40 yrs compared to 1-5. I actually met a lady on youtube who is 26 married and is doing great she can even put on make up. Will just keep praying for her and if you ever get a chance and want to help her and other kids out make donations at MDA you know with the Jerry Lewis guy or when you go to the gas store and they have those shamrocks donate a couple of dollars. I also have an account with youtube where you can see more videos of her the address is Thank you and until next time god bless.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Just like dad

In this picture she is sleeping just like her father. As some you know we did get the results back. She does have sma we dont know which type we have a dr. apt. tomorrow and we will go from there. So just ck back.