Wednesday, April 29, 2009

New Feeding Schedule

Reka as you know is on a g-tube, which we started at the beginning of the month. From then to yesterday she had what is called continuous feeds. So she was getting 45ml an hour for 20 hours from 3pm to 10am. Today the nutritionist called and set her on a trial bowless feed which is 90ml in one hour every 3 hours and off from midnight to six in the morning. Then Friday I call her again and tell her how she has been doing then we'll go from there. Just a little update.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Month that Lasted Forever

Sorry I don't have any pictures to upload but my sisters oldest son was playing with my camera so it may be lost for good. Which is no problem I was finding an excuse to buy another one. A lot has happened since the middle of March to now. First Reka had her first hospital stay scared me s**tless.(sorry for the language) I honestly thought I was going to have a heart attach. It was pneumonia, and those who know anything about this disease she has knows that's a killer. (literally) She had been coughing for about two days nothing big but by the third day she was coughing all day so I took her to her pediatrician. She had a chest x-ray done low and behold she had fluid in her left lung. So they admitted her, I went home to get some cloths and smoke about 10 cigarettes (outside) and had a friend take me to the hospital. She did pretty good she was out in a week. Now on the 31st of March she had a swallow study done, and again she was automatically admitted. After seeing her drink milk they saw she was aspirating too much so she had a g-tube put in. All honesty I'm grateful for it. Shes getting more nutrition, looks healthier, and has more strength. But once i get my new camera I will show you pictures of her tummy. And one more thing we are moving back to Houston with my husband and his family all in one house LORD GIVE ME STRENGTH!!!!!!

Though I would share a video my niece recorded a couple of month ago sorry the lighting isnt the greatest.