Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Chinese New Year

Will here are pictures I promised you guys for the Chinese New Year. Her cousin Yan bought this outfit for her last year in New York and it finally fit. Sadly to say my daughter is 18 months and she fits in 12 month cloths. We had fun ate alot, got money you know the whole ordeal. Will her are the pictures. The very last picture is about 1/8th of my husbands family here they are holding Reka is his oldest sister Lisa, right is Lucy, in yellow the oldest sisters daughter Yan, right LuLu the one in pink is just a friend of Yan and in front with the peace sign is Ting Yans younger sister.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Pony Tails

This video was just taken yesterday, my daughter finally has enough hair for me to put in cute little ponytails. I think she was watching blues clues thats why shes not so interested in the video. As my cousin Riva we celebrated Chinese New Years. I think I gain about 10 more pounds something I don't need. I'll post those pictures up when my niece sends them to me, her camera takes much better pictures then mine. Also on Saturday we celebrated his oldest sisters 50th birthday, it wasnt really her birthday but when you turn 50, 60, and so on the week of New Year you celebrate their birthday or coming of age I don't really know. Honestly I don't understand the whole Chinese New Year but they sure do eat. Also they give money to children 18 and under I'll tell you what I don't think I've seen so many $100 bills at one time, I think the smallest amount she got was $50 wooooooooooow. Unfortunately my husband was in California working so he missed it all. Now to Reka she has therapy 3 times a week twice with a physical therapist and once with a occupational therapist, also twice a month she has a teacher, and every other month a nutritionist. Unfortunealty she hasnt been eating alot but she is drinking that pediasure about 3 times a day, but she did eat some chinese food this New Year but only at one restaurant. She sucked the spoon dry on the soup she also enjoyed japanese tofu, scallops, oranges, thats about it she only really has 4 teeth so theirs alot of foods she still cant eat but five are already starting to pop out. They have a mind of their own. Also next month she will go and see a pulmonary Dr and for those who dont know what that is and honestly I dont fully understand they check the lungs breathing and so forth. Will I'll leave you at that and check out my key word lzhang1076 for other videos. God Bless